OLA also supports WS2811 and WS2812 pixels via Scanlime’s Fadecandy USB interface. Since MadMapper 3.0 (if I remember well), MadMapper supports both FTDI drivers (Simple Serial-VCP & D2XX) so it should always work: whether you use the default macOS driver (VCP) or if you installed the D2XX driver, same for Windows (except I think the driver is not installed by default on the system) MaartenEnnik. OLA runs on many different platforms including ARM, which makes it a perfect fit for low cost Ethernet to DMX gateways. It can run as a standalone service, which is useful for converting signals between protocols, or alternatively using the OLA API, it can be used as the backend for lighting control software.
It supports a range of protocols and over a dozen USB devices. The Open Lighting Architecture is a framework for lighting control information.